Driving automotive innovations through the spirit of motorsports
HUMDA Lab finished 5th as best rookie team in the A2RL autonomous car race
The team of HUMDA Lab, finished 5th with the best lap time amoung the rookies in the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League (A2RL) autonomous formula car race on 27th April...
Find detailed information about our research activities and a complete list of our publications here.
- We participated in the Sustainable Mobility and Transportation Symposium in Győr!
- We won the Robert Bosch Best Paper Award at the Cognitive Mobility Conference
- We exhibited at the Researchers' Night on ZalaZone
- We were invited to the Artificial Intelligence Experience Day organised by Audi Hungary
- We presented our hydrogen powered racing engine development project to HUMDA Zrt. Summer University
- The second season of the Abu Dhabi Autonomous Racing League (A2RL) begins
- Three of our scientific papers were accepted to one of the world's leading technical conferences
- HUMDA Lab finished 5th as best rookie team in the A2RL autonomous car race
- An autonomous formula car race from the inside - HUMDA Lab at A2RL
- A2RL Autonomous Race: Vehicle testing in Abu Dhabi