Career orientation day at Vasvári Primary School

A Vasvári Általános Iskolában jártunk, ahol egy kollégánk tartott előadást a gyerekeknek egy pályaorientációs nap keretében. Bemutattuk az F1TENTH kisautót […]
A Vasvári Általános Iskolában jártunk, ahol egy kollégánk tartott előadást a gyerekeknek egy pályaorientációs nap keretében. Bemutattuk az F1TENTH kisautót […]
The end of September was really exciting for us. Not only did we take part in Audi's Artificial Intelligence themed experience day, but we also had the chance to showcase our work at the Researchers' Night event [...]
We were delighted to be invited to the Artificial Intelligence Experience Day organised by Audi Hungary. As an exhibitor during the event, we presented our F1Tenth [...]
Abstract: This paper proposes a control technique for autonomous RC car racing. The presented method does not require any map-building [...]
Abstract: This paper explores the use of reinforcement learning (RL) in the context of autonomous vehicle racing, specifically focusing on [...]
We have published three scientific papers related to our self-driving algorithm research, based on our experience in the F1Tenth series. All three have been accepted for the [...]
In the F1Tenth races, we tested our algorithms on 1:10 scale cars compared to real racing vehicles and competed our skills against the international [...]